
aggregate_subject_level_data(data, n_items)

Compute subject-level response characteristics on: RT, P(choose best), gaze influence score

The gaze influence score is defined as the average difference between the corrected choice probability of all positive and negative relative gaze values (see manuscript)

  • data (pandas.DataFrame) –

    DataFrame containing the experimental data. Each row corresponds to one trial. Must include the following columns:

    • subject (int, consecutive, starting with 0)
    • trial (int, starting with 0)
    • choice (int, items should be 0, 1, …, N)
    • rt (float, in seconds)
    • additional variables coding groups or conditions (str or int)

    For each item i in the choice set:

    • item_value_i: The item value (float, best on a scale between 1 and 10)
    • gaze_i: The fraction of total trial time the item was looked at in the trial (float, between 0 and 1)
  • n_items (int) – number of choice alternatives in the data

DataFrame of subject-level response characteristics.

Return type:


aggregate_group_level_data(data, n_items)

Compute group-level response characteristics on: RT, P(choose best), gaze influence score

The gaze influence score is defined as the average difference between the corrected choice probability of all positive and negative relative gaze values (see manuscript)

  • data (pandas.DataFrame) –

    DataFrame containing the experimental data. Each row corresponds to one trial. Must include the following columns:

    • subject (int, consecutive, starting with 0)
    • trial (int, starting with 0)
    • choice (int, items should be 0, 1, …, N)
    • rt (float, in seconds)
    • additional variables coding groups or conditions (str or int)

    For each item i in the choice set:

    • item_value_i: The item value (float, best on a scale between 1 and 10)
    • gaze_i: The fraction of total trial time the item was looked at in the trial (float, between 0 and 1)
  • n_items (int) – number of choice alternatives in the data

DataFrame of group-level response characteristics

Return type:


compare_parameters(model, parameters=['v', 's', 'gamma', 'tau'], comparisons=None, **kwargs)

Perform comparisons between parameters and return statistics as DataFrame

  • model (glambox.GLAM) – Fitted glambox.GLAM instance
  • parameters (list of str, optional) – List of parameters to perform comparisons on. Defaults to all model parameters.
  • comparisons (list of tuples, optional) – List of comparisons between groups or conditions. Each comparison must be given as a tuple (e.g., [(‘A’, ‘B’), (‘A’, ‘C’)]) Defaults to None.

Distribution statistics of parameter differences.

Return type:


compare_models(models, **kwargs)

Compares multiple fitted models.

  • models (list of glambox.GLAM) – List of fitted GLAM model instances.
  • **kwargs (optional) – Additional keyword arguments to be passed to

DataFrame containing information criteria for each model.

Return type:
